A presenter/moderator workshop or speaking session is 40 minutes. Seven presenters are needed, plus the seven Sponsor presenters. Please indicate the type of topic you would like to speak on. You will have 2 - 40 minute sessions. You may also be requested to serve on a panel during 1 of the conference days. Individuals and companies are welcome to submit ideas via the form below. Content presenters are exempt from registration fees and have full access to all features and benefits of the show's exhibitions and workshops. Presenters must be registered with the hotel for their all-inclusive accommodations. We are very interested in the topics below and other suggestions from you. DOMAINERS, what topics do you want to have discussed? 1) Development for the domainer; so you own domains, now what? How to make them a business. 2) Are New gTLDs a good investment? How fast could values ramp? Where and how do they make sense? Where are they taking the Internet and what is the threat to your business? 3) How to filter out the hype from other domainers. How to look for conflict of interest and avoid being misled to protect your interest. 4) Country Codes or ccTLDs, risks and opportunities & ccTLDS vs gTLDs 5) How can domains help non-profits? 6) Best practices for the domainer 7) Domain investing and sales/valuation 8) How sustainable is your domain portfolio in a crisis and what might these crises look like? Are you diversified? 9) Ongoing risk management for the domainer, it may not be what you think. Is the biggest problem in your portfolio, you!? 10) What is your domain investing succession/ legacy plan? 11) Portfolio management 12) Why do "insider" domainers sell if the market ahead looks so rosy? All content must be approved by the event's organizer. No pornographic content is sought or welcomed anywhere at the show in any of its exhibition spaces or presentations. Please feel free to email us at register@domainertradeshow.com. Thank You!